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Vincent Chen
Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, & Various Other Quirks
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function

The wave function of a quantum harmonic oscillator varies depending on the energy level of the particle being described. Using the number operator, the wave function of a ground state harmonic oscillator can be found. Repetitively applying the raising operator to the ground state wave function then allows the derivation of the general formula describing wave functions of higher energy levels.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Equivalency of Hermite Polynomial Definitions

Hermite polynomials are a set of polynomials which arise frequently in probability calculations and in quantum physics when finding the wave functions of harmonic oscillators. Often, Hermite polynomials are defined by two seemingly different mathematical definitions. Here, it is proved that these definitions in fact yield equivalent results.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gaussian Integral

The Gaussian integral, otherwise known as the Euler-Poisson or probability integral, is the definite integral of the Gaussian function, $e^{x^2}$, over $(-\infty,\infty)$. This particular definite integral arises often when performing statistical calculations and when normalizing quantum mechanic wave functions. Here, the value of the Gaussian integral is derived through double integration in polar coordinates, namely shell integration.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Number & Ladder Operators

A quantum harmonic oscillator is similar in many ways to a classical one; it is simply a particle that undergoes repetitive motion, bound by a potential with an equilibrium point. The major difference between quantum and classical harmonic oscillators, however, is that in quantum systems, particles can occupy only certain discrete energy levels. Here, the number operator and ladder operators — operators concerned with energy levels — of quantum harmonic oscillators are derived.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Zero-Point Energy

The zero-point energy of a quantum mechanical system is the energy of the system in its ground state (when the system has the lowest possible energy). Take for example, a harmonically oscillating particle in a potential well. While classically, it may be possible to suppose that the particle could have zero energy if its kinetic energy and the energy potential at its position are both zero, quantum mechanically speaking, such a system is impossible. The Heisenberg uncertainty relation forbids such a scenario where both the particle's position and momentum are known. Here, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation and the Schrodinger equation are used to derive the zero-point energy of a quantum harmonic oscillator.